
DMCA Policy

Welcome to (the “Site”). We value others’ intellectual property rights and expect them to respect ours. Copyright owners or their representatives may submit a takedown request to us under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c). The DMCA’s “safe harbor” provisions insulate internet service providers from responsibility for copyright infringement. To send a legitimate infringement notice, please provide the following information:

  1. Infringement Notice Requirements:
  2. A physical or electronic signature by the copyright owner (or an authorized representative).
  3. Identify the allegedly infringed copyrighted work.
  4. Identify the infringing material to be removed, as well as enough information to locate it. Please provide the URL of the page containing the claimed infringement so that we can locate the material.
  5. Contact information for the complainant, including your name, physical address, email address, phone number, and fax number.
  6. A declaration indicating that you believe the usage of the content is not allowed by the copyright holder.
  7. A statement confirming that the information in the notice is correct and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

False assertions in a DMCA notification may result in civil penalties, including costs and attorney fees, as per Title 17 USC §512(f).

Please submit all takedown notices using our Contact page. Please utilize email to speed up the processing.

Please be informed that we may disclose the identity and details of any copyright claim with the alleged infringer. When you file a claim, you acknowledge that your identity and claim may be exposed to the person or business you are accusing.

  1. Counter-Notification: Restoring Material If you receive information that your material has been removed due to a copyright claim, you may file a counter-notification to have it restored. Your counter-notification must include the following details under 17 USC Section 512(g)(3):
  2. Your signature can be physical or electronic.
  3. A description of the removed material and its previous position.
  4. A statement under penalty of perjury stating you believe the material was removed in error or due to mistaken identification.
  5. Your name, address, and phone number, as well as a statement consenting to the jurisdiction of the federal district court in your area (or, if you are not in the United States, any district where the service provider is located) and agreeing to accept service of process from the original complainant.
  6. Please submit your counter-notification through our Contact page. Email is preferred for prompt attention.

Repeat Infringer Policy

We take copyright infringement seriously. We keep a database of DMCA notices and try to identify repeat violators. Those who consistently violate our policies will have their accounts canceled.

Changes to Policy 

This policy may be updated at any moment. Please check back frequently to stay updated on any changes.